Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fwd: Follow your family/friends with your iPhone

> Apple just approved the "Family Tracker for iPhones" ... the first iPhone
> application that allows you to follow the location and movements of another
> iPhone.
> Would you like to know the recent locations of your friends and family?
> Would you like to know where they've been for the past few hours?
> We are offering the "Family Tracker" to the first 2,000 customers for free
> on the iTunes App Store:
> Now iPhone users will be able to see the current position of friends/family
> on a map and follow their movements throughout the day.
> The FamilyTracker combines the robust GPS functionality of the iPhone,
> internet mapping and the latest features of the iPhone 4.x platform.
> Uses include:
> * Know where family members are at any time.
> * Follow a child's movements daily.
> * Find lost or stolen phones.
> * Locate friends.
> Features include:
> * Locate iPhones and track their movements.
> * Permission based system allows/denies other iPhone users to follow you.
> * Secure solution that allows people to ONLY follow others they are
> authorized to see.
> Thanks!
> The Cell Phone Solutions Team
> If you do not to wish to receive future iPhone Tracking announcements,
> please go to:


Desde 1913 Estados Unidos ya no es un país capitalista. En ese año y aprovechando un receso legislativo, los Morgan, Rockefeller, Pulitzer y Rothchild engendraron la Fed, el mayor enemigo de la libertad y la ética en los EEUU. Para ironía del destino, el encuentro fue en la Isla de Jekyll. Antes de eso, el bando Jeffersoniano había resistido tajantemente los avances de los Hamiltonianos hacia la consolidación de un Estado central poderoso, subsidios para los ricos y devaluaciones para favorecer a los exportadores. Pero en ese año, el sistema de socialismo monetario logró status legal. En vez de corridas ("pánicos" bancarios) cada 30 años promedio, con el sistema de free banking, ahora el riesgo moral se distribuía a todo el sistema, se alentaban los préstamos de baja calidad y sobre todo se saqueaba a las grandes mayorías via inflación. La Gran Depresión fue su primer resultado, pues el M2 (circulante + depósitos y ahorros en el sistema) fue artificialmente aumentado por la Fed durante los irresponsables 1920's. A ese boom artificial le correspondía una quiebra masiva de inversiones sin ahorro real previo para financiarlas. Y para colmo, Hoover y Roosevelt no dejaron al mercado liquidar esas malas inversiones, sino que corrieron a intervenirlo (más Estado, menos mercado) para provocar que durara finalmente toda la década de los 1930's. La actual crisis tiene sus raices en la Fed y el afán voluntarista de "masificar la vivienda" por vias nada éticas. Baste saber que un centavo de 1913 compra ahora lo mismo que un dólar, un 99% de su valor perdido a costa de las clases medias. Esto financia booms artificiales de las punto-com, de la vivienda, invasiones a Irak y salvatajes a aerolíneas, bancos y corporaciones con suficiente peso político.

En 1913 también, el mismo grupo de magnates hizo aprobar el Impuesto a la Renta, que los tontos utiles siempre han creido una medida redistributiva. En realidad sí redistribuye: le quita a la gente emprendedora o profesional que lo quiere ser, para darles a las élites financieras de todos los paises que lucran de préstamos al gobierno y otros medios fiduciarios. El que dude de esto, sólo tiene que averiguar cuánto de cada dólar llega al supuesto beneficiario de todo lo "gratis" que nos ofrece el Estado. En las ONGs más efectivas se habla de tal vez $10 usd por cada $100 recibidos de donaciones, según un estudio multisectorial para la ONU, del 2006. ¿Cuánto logrará en eficiencia el Estado? Probablemente más, por temas de infraestructura y logística, pero no mucho más. El resto le da trabajo a toda una casta burocrática intocable. Entonces la redistribución es de los muchos sin conexiones, a los pocos bien conectados y apalancados en el sistema. Y a pesar de este retorno del feudalismo via impuestos (recordemos que el medioevo, la servidumbre se definía por un 30% de impuesto al señor feudal), en los últimos 25 años salió más gente de la pobreza en el planeta que en los últimos 400 años. La distribución del mercado masifica calidad de vida, la redistribución estatal corrompe a las sociedades de múltiples maneras.

Si 1913 marcó el inicio de dos instituciones totalmente anticapitalistas como son la banca central y el impuesto a la renta. Hasta no ser eliminadas, no se puede hablar de capitalismo ni culparle por crisis como la actual. El capitalismo puede parecerle a ud. más o menos bueno o malo, pero no se le debe culpar de lo que no maneja. Desde el golpe de Estado (y nos siguen golpeando bajo), los culpables son un puñado de plutócratas y los tontos útiles que venden su alma por una falsa estabilidad y una contraproducente redistribución en nombre de la justicial social.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The italians Jokes

    T H E      I T A L I A N    GRANDMOTHER 
An Italian grandmother is giving directions to her grown grandson
who is coming to visit with his wife.

"You comma to de front door of the apartmenta. I am inna apartmenta 301.

There issa bigga panel at the front door. With you elbow, pusha button 301.

I will buzza you in. Come inside, the elevator is on the right.
Get in, and with you elbow, pusha 3.

When you get out, I'mma on the left. With you elbow, hit my doorbell."

"Grandma, that sounds easy, but, why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow? 

"What . . . .. .. You coming empty handed?"


Why Italian Fathers and Grandfathers pass their handguns down through the family.

An old Italian man is dying.  He calls his grandson to his bedside, Guido, I wan' you lissina me. 
I wan' you to take-a my chrome plated .38 revolver so you will always remember me."

"But grandpa, I really don't like guns.  How about you leave me your Rolex watch instead?"

"You lissina me, boy...
Somma day you gonna be runna DA business, you gonna have a beautiful wife, lotsa money,
a big-a home and maybe a couple of bambinos."

"Somma day you gonna come-a home and maybe finda you wife inna bed with another man. 
"Whatta you gonna do then?  Pointa to you watch and say, "times up"?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fwd: Last Chance! Like us on Facebook and enter to win an iPad 2




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Check out our sizzlin' celebrity sweeps for a chance to win an iPad 2!

Check out our sizzlin' celebrity sweeps for a chance to win an iPad 2!



It's easy to enter! Just LIKE US on Facebook, then choose your favorite hotties of Hollywood past and present for your chance to win.


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Check out our sizzlin' celebrity sweeps for a chance to win an iPad 2!





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The Center for Disease Control

Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CB4908.D19F11A0


The Center for Disease Control has issued a medical alert about a highly contagious, potentially dangerous virus that is transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically.  This virus is called Weekly Overload Recreational Killer (WORK).  If you get WORK from your boss, any of your colleagues or anyone else via any means whatsoever - DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!  This virus will wipe out your private life entirely.  If you should come into contact with WORK you should immediately leave the premises.

Take two good friends to the nearest liquor store and purchase one or all of these three antidotes - Really Urgent Medicine (RUM), Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract (WINE) or Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

You should immediately forward this medical alert to five friends.  If you do not have five friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life. 



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The 20 Laws of Saving $$$

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The 20 Laws of Saving Money's The 20 Laws of Saving Money aim to save you the MOST amount of money each month. Try to incorporate as many of these laws as you can into your life.
Law 1: Change Your Thinking – This may sound like more of a psychological law than a financial law, but it is very important. Change your thinking simply means that in order to save money, never say the following statement: "Oh, it's only a few dollars!" NO! A few dollars here and a few dollars there will add up to lots of money––money that should belong in an emergency savings fund or money that should be put away for retirement and not used for purchasing unnecessary items. Regardless of how cheap the item is you want to buy, if you don't need it, don't buy it.
Law 2: Forget the Original Cost – You're in the clothing store and you are eyeing a beautiful new shirt that normally sells for $100, but is on sale at a final cost to you for $30. That's a 70% discount, which sounds great. But, if you don't have that $30 to "throw away" on a new shirt that you really don't need, then you should not buy the shirt, regardless of how much of a discount or bargain the store is offering you.
Law 3: Be Wary of Financial Advisors – Many, not all, financial "advisors" will advise you and encourage you to buy certain investments from them. You will most likely pay a very high commission to the advisor for these investments when you could have purchased these same investments (e.g. stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities) with very little to no commission, say at a discount brokerage firm. In this case, they are not financial advisors, but simply folks trying to sell you a product and who are looking out for their own best interest instead of yours. You should not only make sure that you are not getting ripped off from these commissions, but also make sure the information and advice your financial advisor is telling you is correct, up-to-date and accurate. If you don't trust your financial advisor, it is best to get a new one and follow your instincts.
Law 4: Indulge at Home – Those die-hard coffee lovers who buy coffee at a coffee shop for $5 everyday are spending $150 per month and over $1,800 per year on a cup of coffee alone! Outrageous! To save money and still enjoy your cup of joe, brew fresh coffee at home and bring it with you in a portable coffee cup to work so you can skip the daily (or bi-daily) coffee shop visit—and save money at the same time!
Law 5: Read it Online – If you subscribe to a newspaper or a magazine, it is best to cancel the subscription now! This is because in most cases, the same news articles or similar ones are posted on the publication's website, which is free for you! Save money by reading your favorite newspapers and magazine articles online.
Law 6: Lose the Gym Membership – It is so important to exercise to avoid health problems in the future. However, paying money to exercise may cause financial "health problems" too. Instead of paying to use the treadmill, go out to your favorite park or around your block for a run or jog. For lifting weights, dumbbells cost under $20 and work just as well as the ones at the gym.
Law 7: Go to the Library – New books can be expensive and since you only read the book once, there's no need to spend $20-$30 on a brand new book when you could take-out a book for free at your local library.
Law 8: Shop at Department Stores – You will save so much money in gasoline for your car if you shop at stores that cover all the basics: grocery, clothing, electronics, pharmacy and more. This way, you won't have to use up all of that gasoline by driving to each individual store. Department stores allow you to accomplish most of your shopping needs at one location! Good for your wallet and the environment.
Law 9: Eat In – Restaurants are expensive and although they can be fun experiences, the bill that comes at the end of the meal can be painful. It is extremely important to limit the number of restaurants/take-outs you utilize so you can save money. Bring your own lunch to work every day in order to stop spending $10 per day for lunch at the café. Open up the grocery store's circular and whatever foods are on sale is what you should buy to prepare for dinner that week.
Law 10: Make a List at the Grocery Store – And stick to that list! If you need milk, butter and eggs don't come out of the supermarket with orange juice, chocolate and potato chips. Not straying from your list of the items you NEED, will prevent you from spending money on foods that are frivolous. Also, it is important to not allow the foods you do purchase to sit in the back of the refrigerator and become spoiled—it will cost more money to replace these spoiled items.
Law 11: Clip Coupons – The Sunday newspaper is a great source for fantastic money saving coupons. There are also several online websites that offer free coupons. Also, check the manufacturer's website for direct coupons. Be sure to not let them expire.
Law 12: Sale Means Quantity – Whenever an item that you normally need and use is on sale (e.g. soap, paper, non-perishable items, pens) buy the largest quantity of that sale item as possible. This will ensure that you never pay the non-sale price for any of your essential products.
Law 13: Replace Light Bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light (CFLs) – CFL bulbs use much less energy than those regular incandescent bulbs. Less energy means a lower electric bill. CFLs last longer (sometimes up to 6 years) and are better for the environment. They may cost a bit more than the regular light bulb, but they will eventually light up your wallet (pay for themselves) in a few years.
Law 14: Turn it Off – After you've finished watching the news or your favorite primetime show, do your bank account a favor and shut off the television. Also, don't keep the computer running overnight—it is not good for the computer nor will it save you money. Plus, to save even more money on your electric bill, unplug cell phone chargers when not charging your cell phone—the charger still uses electricity even when it's plugged into the outlet with no phone.
Law 15: No Cash, No Way – This law applies to credit cards. Unless you cannot eat without using your credit cards, try to use cash only on all of your day to day purchases (which should be very little!). This will for sure keep you out of debt (which will increase your credit score and eliminate the awful thought of interest accruing on your credit cards when a balance remains on them). Plus, you will spend less if you use cash because psychologically you are physically removing cash from your wallet, which visually shows your depleting cash supply—rather than using a piece of plastic as a way to purchase things.
Law 16: Never Use A Real Estate Agent – If you are selling your home or trying to rent it out, you can save a ton of money by selling your home by owner. Real estate agent fees can cost you as much as 4 to 6% of the selling price of the home, or if you're renting the house out, the agent's fee is usually 15% of the first year's annual rent. Although selling by owner will mean you will have to run the open houses, who knows your home better than you? NO ONE! Plus, there are tons of websites, which will allow you to list your home on the site for free or for a minimal charge. With determination, a great brochure to hand out to prospective buyers, and a professional yard sign, your home is bound to sell. Remember, you only need one buyer!
Law 17: Negotiate! – Whether you are buying fruit from a fruit stand off the street, buying a home or car, or buying a new pair of sneakers, ALWAYS ask for a lower price! You have nothing to lose––the worst thing the seller can say is "no"! For in-depth tips on HOW to negotiate, click here
Law 18: No More Paper Towels – You would be surprised how much you spend on paper towers each year! While paper towels are an easy way to clean up a mess or dry the dishes, they don't come cheap! Instead of paper towels, buy 10 to 15 washcloths (which costs less than a pack of paper towels) and use those to clean, dry your hands and dishes. Save money and trees!
Law 19: Invest in Stocks For The Long-Run – If you have money invested in the stock market, and you need it within 10 to 15 years, take it out of the market immediately!With the highly volatile and unpredictable stock market in this day in age, it could take decades to regain your losses. That's why stock market investing is best for the long-run.
Law 20: Re-Gift Gifts can be very expensive. In this economy, there is no need for gifts. Try to not give gifts––call the person and show them your love in lieu of an expensive gift that will get you deeper into debt. If you absolutely insist on giving a gift, try to give the person a previous gift you've once received (re-gifting). This will save a lot of money and still put a smile on the recipient's face! Also, don't spend $4 on an expensive card––make one for free on the computer or by hand. Remember, it's the thought that counts!These are The 20 Laws of Saving Money! If you follow these laws in some way, shape or form, money will flow your way. It's as simple as that. There's no magic here. However, Uregardless of how troubling your financial situation is, never give up. It's up to you to fix it and that's what is trying to help you do! Use our Expense Calculator to create a budget that works

Fwd: Obama prods Congress to move quickly on jobs bill

 Obama prods Congress to move quickly on jobs bill

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Urging Congress to follow his lead, President Barack Obama on Tuesday lobbied lawmakers to adopt his $450 billion jobs plan, promising it would boost a hurting construction industry. Said Obama: "My question to Congress is, what on earth are we waiting for?"

From a high school in the critical electoral state of Ohio, Obama delivered a fiery speech to plug his plan. The audience was receptive to the point of adopting his refrain and chanting it back to him, shouting: "Pass this bill!"

The event had the feel of an Obama re-election event, right down to the music that played as Obama came out to speak, suit coat off and sleeves rolled up on a sunny day. He tailored his latest pitch to how his proposed legislation would help education, built around a $25 billion spending initiative for school renovations.

In Ohio alone, Obama said, the bill would create jobs for tens of thousands of constructions workers.

Yet Republican lawmakers who control the House flatly oppose his plans to pay for his plan by raising taxes on wealthier Americans


President Barack Obama tours classrooms at Fort Hayes Arts and Academic High School …

President Barack Obama greets students as the tours classrooms at Fort Hayes Arts …


Monday, September 12, 2011

Gay Day at the LA County Fair!

Sunday, September 18 · 10:00am - 10:00pm

Fairplex Pomona
1101 W. McKinley Ave.

Created By

More Info
The Fair is now even more "Family" friendly!

The L.A. County Fair, the largest county fair in America, is proud to invite the gay community and its supporters to the first ever Gay Day at the L.A. County Fair!

Here's the two main things you should know:
1. Before the fair, buy your tickets online at and during checkout, use the promo code "gayday" for $10 adult admission and $6 children's admission (kids 5 and under are free!)

2. On Sunday, Sept. 18, wear a red shirt at the fair to express your solidarity with the gay community.

Some other useful info:

This is the first year that this event will be happening, so please help us out and spread the word to your friends and loved ones, co-workers and neighbors! This facebook invite is public, so just rsvp "Yes" or "Maybe" and a box will pop up on the left column saying "Invite more friends".

For even more info and announcements, become a fan of Gay Day at the Fair on facebook at

During the day from 11am - 6pm, Picnic Hill will be our reserved hangout spot! It's a private oasis right in the center of the fair. Show the attendants your red shirt or say you are there for Gay Day and you will receive a wristband for the day. Bring your food and socialize with fun people! We'll also have DJ's up there setting the festive tone.

AND...we've got entertainment too!

Here's the lineup:

*Coca Cola Stage
2:00 Omar Perez-Then
2:30 Abby Posner
3:00 Michael Van London
4:00 Miss Skates
4:30 Dorian Wood

*Picnic Hill
DJs throughout the afternoon
Drag show at 5:30!
Miss Barbie Q
Phyllis Navidad
Kelly Mantle

Omar Perez-Then
Abby Posner
Michael Van London
Miss Skates
Dorian Wood